Celine Chérubin
Vice President – Senior Credit Officer, Infrastructure Finance
Moody's Ratings
Céline Chérubin is a senior credit officer in the EMEA Infrastructure Finance Group, based in Paris. She has responsibility for a portfolio of unregulated utilities in France, Belgium, Italy and the Czech Republic as well as water and waste management companies in France.
Céline has considerable experience of assessing utilities and infrastructure in Europe, with an in-depth knowledge of business models, strategies and stakeholders. She has a particular focus on the French market but also benefits from experience of a broad range of other jurisdictions.
Moody’s has a leading global Infrastructure Finance franchise, rating some US$2.8trillion of corporate and project finance securities. Our team of 148 analytical staff covers more than 2,700 public and private sector infrastructure issuers globally. Moody’s EMEA team of 48 infrastructure specialists is responsible for rating around 330 issuers with approximately US$756 billion in debt outstanding. Moody’s Investors Service covers a total of more than 35,000 issuers and structured finance transactions worldwide, representing more than US$73 trillion in rated debt.
Before joining Moody’s in April 2019, Céline worked for Infravia, a French infrastructure investment company, where she was responsible for investor relations and the fundraising of the fourth infrastructure fund. Prior to this, she had an extended career as a sell side equity analyst covering European utilities for more than 12 years. She has also taught classes in accounting, P&L diagnostics and cashflow analysis for the Société Française des Analystes Financiers.
Céline holds a degree in business administration (DESCAFF) from the Bordeaux Business School. She is fluent in English and French.