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Panel: Navigating the macroeconomic environment in 2025
- Navigating 2025: Explore the post-shock economic landscape and discuss what "trend" economic growth looks like across different countries in 2025
- Analyze the impact of geopolitical competition and tensions on market dynamics
- Interest Rates, Consumer Affordability, and where central banks policy will settle in a new macro normal
Moderated by
10.30EDTPanel: Digitalization and disruption
- New technologies, a rapidly evolving private credit ecosystem and intervention from governments, regulators and workers will disrupt established sectors and create new ones
- Global transitions: Physical climate risks, the carbon transition and changing demographics are driving policy actions that will shape financial strategies for business and households
Moderated by
Event Manager
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Sandra Fung at sandra.fung@moodys.com.
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