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We are thrilled to announce that the Moody's Intelligent Risk Platform™ Open Modeling Engine (OME) is now available. This development enables clients using the Risk Modeler™ application to connect to their Nasdaq Risk Modeling for Catastrophes environment and access models from JBA, Fathom, ARA, and other vendors. The OME facilitates running more than 700 Moody’s RMS and third-party models in the Risk Modeler app, significantly simplifying the management and execution of multi-vendor modeling.
Join us for our launch Webinar on September 12th at 10:00 am EDT (3:00 pm BST). Moody's Derek Neal, Product Manager, Nasdaq's James Lay, Commercial Director, and Nasdaq's Aiste Kalinauskaite, Head of Product, will discuss how our clients will gain tremendous modeling efficiency, have greater flexibility to curate their own view of risk, and have fewer operational barriers so they can easily plug modeling gaps in their portfolios.
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