Inside Latam: Brasil 2023
O forte crescimento econômico é promissor, mas será que é sustentável?
Evento Presencial
Inscrição e café da manhã
Comentários de Boas-Vindas
Perspectivas para o perfil de crédito soberano
- Como a Moody's avalia o novo “framework” fiscal?
- Quais são as expectativas da Moody's para o crescimento do país neste ano e no médio prazo?
- Quais são as implicações da reforma tributária e da agenda verde para o perfil de crédito soberano do Brasil?

Oportunidades nos leilões de infraestrutura
- Iniciativas para Expandir a Matriz de Transporte
- Desafios para a Transição Energética
- Modelos Contratuais e Alternativas de Financiamento
- Considerações sobre ESG e Mitigação de Riscos

Quais são as estratégias de investimento eficazes para capturar oportunidades nos mercados de dívida no país?
- Inflação elevada, baixo crescimento, incertezas políticas: qual é o maior risco para os emissores brasileiros?
- Vencedores e perdedores: examinando o desempenho do setor
- Estratégias de investimento: como lidar com a volatilidade do mercado?
- Incorporação do risco climático nas decisões de alocação de ativos

Bate-papo com Gabriel Galípolo, Diretor de Política Monetária do Banco Central do Brasil
Comentários Finais
Almoço leve e networking

Detalhes do evento:
Local do evento: Casa Itaim
Endereço: R Clodomiro Amazonas 907, Itaim Bibi, 04537-000, São Paulo, Brazil
Data: Terça-feira, 17 de outubro
Horário: 8h30 (horário São Paulo)
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Dr. Samar Maziad is a Vice President and Senior Analyst at Moody’s Sovereign RiskGroup in New York. She is a lead credit risk analyst for a portfolio of Latin American sovereigns and multilateral development banks, including Brazil and others. Prior tojoining Moody’s, Dr. Maziad was a Senior Economist at the International MonetaryFund, where she covered a wide range of macroeconomic and financial stability issues in emerging markets including China and Latin America.
Dr. Maziad is a regular participant at high-profile market briefings, external conferences and media engagements related to Latin America and emerging markets. Ms. Maziad holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of St. Andrews in the UK.

Cristiane is a Senior Vice President/Manager, based in Sao Paulo with management responsibility for the rating agency coverage of project finance, infrastructure and sub sovereign credits across Latin America. In her role, she oversees a team of analysts covering those sectors, developing research on sector trends and conducting outreach activities with key market participants. Cristiane has over fifteen years of experience in the financial services industry. Since she joined the firm in January 2007, Cristiane covered several infrastructure credits in the transportation, sanitation and electricity sectors and project finance transactions. Cristiane has also worked as a senior analyst with Moody's corporate finance team covering high yield and financially distressed issuers in the real estate, construction and transportation sectors until 2016.Before joining Moody's, Cristiane developed credit analysis at West lB and fixed income portfolio management activities at Bank Boston. Cristiane holds a Master's degree in Finance from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College, a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a MBA in Real Estate from the University of Sao Paulo.

É graduada em Economia pela Unicamp e Mestre em Administração pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas e pela Universidade de Chicago. Com mais de 23 anos de experiência no setor bancário, ela acumula passagens no BankBoston, Citibank, ABN AMRO, Unibanco, Standard Bank, Haitong e foi presidente do Natixis (Groupe BPCE). O Natixis (Groupe BPCE) é o segundo maior banco francês, sendo reconhecido pela sua expertise em financiamento de grandes projetos, pela gestão ativa da sua carteira de forma alinhada aos objetivos do Acordo de Paris e por orientar a alocação de seus ativos com base no seu impacto climático.

Graduado em Engenharia Física e Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação, Miguel Setas acumula mais de 25 anos de experiência em funções de liderança nos setores energético e de infraestrutura (óleo, gás, eletricidade e ferrovia), 13 dos quais no Brasil, onde foi CEO da EDP Brasil por sete anos. Nos dois anos seguintes, atuou como membro do Conselho de Administração Executivo da matriz da companhia, em Lisboa, como responsável pelo negócio de infraestrutura de redes em Portugal, Espanha e Brasil. No período, acumulou a função com a Presidência do Conselho de Administração da EDP Brasil. Em abril deste ano, assumiu a presidência do Grupo CCR. Miguel Setas também é membro do Conselho de Administração das Associações ABDIB e MoveInfra.

Marianna Waltz is a Managing Director at Moody’s Investors Service and has joined the company in 2011. She currently runs Moody’s ratings teams in Latin America, including the Corporate Finance, Infrastructure, Banking and Sub-Sovereign groups across more than 15 countries. She is responsible for the development of MIS ratings and research opinions for the region’s fundamental ratings groups, and the delivery of services to issuers and market participants. Prior to assuming this role in January 2021, Marianna was the Managing Director responsible for Moody’s Corporate Finance team in Latin America. Marianna is also a member of the Board of Directors of Moody’s Local, an affiliate of Moody’s in Peru, Panamá, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. Prior to joining Moody’s, Marianna developed a career as an equity sell side analyst covering mostly the Brazilian Consumer and Protein sectors. From 2008 to 2011, she was the head of sell-side equity research in the investment arm of Banco do Brasil in Sao Paulo. Marianna is a CFA charter holder and holds three master’s degrees, including an MBA in Finance from IBMEC Business School and an MBA in Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV.

Ceres joined Moody’s in 2006 and is the Associate Managing Director - Latin American Banking.
Ceres came from Standard Bank - Brazil, where she was the RegionalCredit Officer for Latin American Financial Institutions. Ceres, a long-time Brazilian bank industry specialist, was also a credit analyst withBank of America’s Trading Group for over six years, and prior to that she worked for ABN AMRO (Brazil) and BankBoston (Brazil) as a credit analyst for the middle market sector. She holds a B.A. degree from Pontificia Universidade Católica - São Paulo and an MBA in Banking from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil.

Gabriel Muricca Galípolo: Graduado em Economia e Mestre em Economia Política pela PUC-SP, Diretor de Política Monetária do Banco Central do Brasil desde julho de 2023, com mandato até fevereiro de 2027. Foi Secretário Executivo do Ministério da Fazenda entre janeiro e junho de 2023, CEO do Banco Fator de 2017 a 2021, Conselheiro da FIESP, em 2022, e ocupou cargos no Governo de SP entre 2007 e 2008.

Dr. Samar Maziad is a Vice President and Senior Analyst at Moody’s Sovereign RiskGroup in New York. She is a lead credit risk analyst for a portfolio of Latin American sovereigns and multilateral development banks, including Brazil and others. Prior tojoining Moody’s, Dr. Maziad was a Senior Economist at the International MonetaryFund, where she covered a wide range of macroeconomic and financial stability issues in emerging markets including China and Latin America.
Dr. Maziad is a regular participant at high-profile market briefings, external conferences and media engagements related to Latin America and emerging markets. Ms. Maziad holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of St. Andrews in the UK.

Marianna Waltz is a Managing Director at Moody’s Investors Service and has joined the company in 2011. She currently runs Moody’s ratings teams in Latin America, including the Corporate Finance, Infrastructure, Banking and Sub-Sovereign groups across more than 15 countries. She is responsible for the development of MIS ratings and research opinions for the region’s fundamental ratings groups, and the delivery of services to issuers and market participants. Prior to assuming this role in January 2021, Marianna was the Managing Director responsible for Moody’s Corporate Finance team in Latin America. Marianna is also a member of the Board of Directors of Moody’s Local, an affiliate of Moody’s in Peru, Panamá, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. Prior to joining Moody’s, Marianna developed a career as an equity sell side analyst covering mostly the Brazilian Consumer and Protein sectors. From 2008 to 2011, she was the head of sell-side equity research in the investment arm of Banco do Brasil in Sao Paulo. Marianna is a CFA charter holder and holds three master’s degrees, including an MBA in Finance from IBMEC Business School and an MBA in Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV.

Cristiane is a Senior Vice President/Manager, based in Sao Paulo with management responsibility for the rating agency coverage of project finance, infrastructure and sub sovereign credits across Latin America. In her role, she oversees a team of analysts covering those sectors, developing research on sector trends and conducting outreach activities with key market participants. Cristiane has over fifteen years of experience in the financial services industry. Since she joined the firm in January 2007, Cristiane covered several infrastructure credits in the transportation, sanitation and electricity sectors and project finance transactions. Cristiane has also worked as a senior analyst with Moody's corporate finance team covering high yield and financially distressed issuers in the real estate, construction and transportation sectors until 2016.Before joining Moody's, Cristiane developed credit analysis at West lB and fixed income portfolio management activities at Bank Boston. Cristiane holds a Master's degree in Finance from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College, a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a MBA in Real Estate from the University of Sao Paulo.