Inside LatAm 2024

Latin America in 2024: Exploring Credit Trends, Sustainability, and Digitalization

The Inside LatAm series offers a comprehensive examination of principal credit risks confronting nine domestic markets throughout Latin America. 

Engage with top market minds to gain a more profound comprehension of the credit-related difficulties and prospects present across the region.

Moderate economic growth, stable debt trends, easing inflationary pressures, and gradually relaxing credit conditions will improve credit prospects in Latin American in 2024. The regional credit landscape will be, however, also shaped by challenges derived from high financing costs that reduce fiscal space and corporate margins, the outcome of elections in the United States and several Latin American countries, China’s economic slowdown, environmental risks, and persistent social tensions.

Still, the financial sector is set to benefit from easing financing conditions as banks remain well-capitalized. Investments in infrastructure and energy, particularly in low carbon technologies, will support the region’s sustainability agenda, while the importance of transportation and logistics will resurface on account of supply chain disruptions and the effects of climate change.

Growing interest in digitalization and the integration of GenAI into businesses will create opportunities to enhance efficiency and productivity in various sectors.

Join us as we delve deeper into the factors that will influence Latin America’s credit prospects in 2024.

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Inside LatAm: Brasil 2024

O cenário de crédito do Brasil: Fatores de crescimento, transição energética e desafios fiscais

Evento Presencial


Inside LatAm: Perú 2024

Factores Clave para una Recuperación Económica Sostenible

Evento Presencial

Inside LatAm: Centroamérica 2024

El Futuro de Centroamérica ante Retos Crediticios de Corto y Mediano Plazo

Evento Presencial

Inside LatAm: México 2024

Panorama crediticio frente a una nueva administración

Evento Presencial

Inside LatAm: Argentina 2024

Evento Presencial

Inside LatAm: Uruguay 2024


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schedule 90 Mins | 17 April 2024

Inside LatAm: Chile 2024

Este evento ha terminado. Regístrese para ver la grabación.

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schedule 90 Mins | 20 March 2024

Inside LatAm: Bolivia 2024

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schedule 90 Mins | 5 December 2023

Inside LatAm: Panamá 2023

Panamá: Navegando la Incertidumbre y los Desafíos Económicos y Ambientales

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schedule 19 October 2023

Inside LatAm: Argentina 2023

Evento Presencial

El reto de operar en mercados inciertos

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schedule 17 October 2023

Inside Latam: Brasil 2023

O forte crescimento econômico é promissor, mas será que é sustentável?

Evento Presencial

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