Sovereign Credit Today | Egypt

Moody's Ratings has affirmed Egypt's Caa1 ratings with a positive outlook, reflecting progress in external and fiscal rebalancing and ongoing credit vulnerabilities

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Discussion topics:

  • What do the developments in Egypt’s policy settings and financial flows over the past year mean for Egypt’s rating?
  • What factors help mitigate Egypt's external vulnerability risks?
  • What would point to sustained and significant improvements in debt affordability?
This event is part of the Sovereign in Focus - EMEA edition series.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Christopher De Ridder -


Elisa Parisi-Capone

Elisa Parisi-Capone

Vice President - Senior Analyst, Sovereign Risk

Moody's Ratings

Sarah Carlson

Sarah Carlson

Senior Vice President, Sovereign Risk

Moody's Ratings

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