Banking Solutions In Focus

Providing insights, solutions, and connections to the global banking community.  Our timely events provide you with the information you need on credit risk management, balance sheet management, regulatory compliance, and more.

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Past Events

schedule 28 October 2020

Ag Day 2020

Thinking Differently Together

Given the unprecedented circumstances of 2020 and the unique challenges we face as a community, Moody's Analytics dedicated a conference just for the discussion of Agriculture. Significant changes in the structure of agriculture and rural communities are taking place which will require us all to think differently together. Our goal is for you to walk away with real tools to prepare, adapt, and thrive in the days that lie ahead.

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schedule 60 Mins | 15 October 2020

IFRS 9 Impairment Calculation Challenges During the Pandemic - An update to Benchmark Model Results

Join Moody's Analytics specialists who will provide an update to Benchmark IFRS 9 ECL results on the sample portfolio.

Key areas include:

  • Overview of methodology
  • Benchmark results
  • Comparison of results across countries and periods
  • Impact of the market conditions and scenario updates
  • Recommendations on model adjustments
  • Practical implementation challenges (product showcase)
schedule 60 Mins | 16 September 2020

Nordic Banks beyond COVID-19: Challenges for credit risk, stress testing and ESG/Climate risk integration

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit various economic sectors across the Nordics. The banking sector is no different.

We are bringing the team of Moody's Analytics and Moody's Investors Service experts to discuss:

  • Brief overview of the outlook for Nordic Banks
  • Credit risk impact of COVID-19 on corporate industries
  • IFRS 9 and stress testing

schedule 60 Mins | 15 September 2020

COVID Scenarios for Treasury Risks: Integrating ALM & Liquidity Behavioural Models

The impact on bank balance sheets and the economy will depend on the severity and duration of the crisis; it is likely however that scenarios incorporating pandemic impacts will be with us for some time.

Join our experts on this webinar, which will cover:

  • Economic impacts of ending government support and coronavirus outbreaks
  • Scenarios that integrate these impacts and can be leveraged with ALM behavioral models
  • Other contemporary challenges for stress testing, such as IBOR transition
schedule 60 Mins | 25 August 2020

Default Risk in the Nigerian Economy: Navigating COVID-19

Moody's Analytics is pleased to invite you to join a discussion on the Nigerian economy through the lens of CreditEdge™ platform. This powerful tool is designed to manage credit risk by leveraging the industry's most accurate Probability of Default (PD) model.

During the webinar, we will highlight and explore the most at-risk names across different sectors and industries within the Nigerian economy.

Topics include:

  •  Introduction to the CreditEdge platform
  •  Monitoring and analysing sectors within the Nigerian economy
  •  Analyses of specific public companies listed on the NSE
schedule 18 August 2020

South Africa Webinar Series: Weathering the Storm: Managing Liquidity, Interest Rate and Credit Risk through Integrated Balance Sheet Management in Times of COVID-19

In this webinar, we show how an integrated balance sheet management solution can be leveraged to allow better alignment for the management of liquidity risk, interest rate risk, and credit risk; thereby breaking down the silos that traditionally exist in these risk disciplines.