Banking Solutions In Focus

Providing insights, solutions, and connections to the global banking community.  Our timely events provide you with the information you need on credit risk management, balance sheet management, regulatory compliance, and more.

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GCC & Türkiye Banking System Outlooks 2025

Navigating economic shifts

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Moody's Ratings

Políticas de Pobreza, Inversión y Desarrollo: Perspectivas para Estados y Municipios

Conferencia Moody´s & Banco Mundial 2025

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Moody's Summit 2025 Miami

Dynamic Banking: Powering Resilience, Productivity, and Growth

Moody's & GCR Ratings Nigeria Risk Summit

In Person Event

The Wheatbaker Hotel, Lagos

Part of Inside Africa

Past Events

schedule 60 Mins | 22 April 2020

IFRS 9 Challenges in View of COVID-19: Impact on Provisions and Associated Regulatory Guidance

In this webinar, we explore the implications of the deterioration in the financial markets and wider economy on the provisions of banks reporting under IFRS 9. We also evaluate the guidance from regulators and legislators to the banks and how these may provide assistance as well as challenges to appropriate provisioning for credit risks.

schedule 60 Mins | 3 March 2020

Help Your Producers Seize Opportunities In The 2020 Ag Commodity Markets

Join Doug Johnson from Moody’s Analytics and Ag News Daily co-host Mike Pearson of the Zaner Group as they share thoughts on what producers and ag lenders must do to ensure sustainability as the ag industry faces continued commodity market challenges.

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schedule 60 Mins | 28 March 2019

Ag Lenders: Can Your Producers Afford to Keep Farming?

Join Doug Johnson and Jason Kuzel from Moody’s Analytics and Mike Hinton, Ag Banking Consultant from Midwest Cloud Computing, as they discuss the impact of this economic grinder cycle on your ag producers, and some approaches to help your staff navigate these tenuous times. Communication, thoughtful planning and adherence to plan will be critical to remaining viable in 2019 and beyond.

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schedule 60 Mins | 26 April 2018

Ag Lending – Experience of Living Through the Cycles

As the farming industry continues to consolidate, operational size and complexities are naturally anticipated. In order to meet changing needs, Ag lenders should step back and adjust their strategy. Our panelists shared their experiences in Ag lending through multiple cycles and what they consider sustainable for the Ag market in the future.

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