CRE In Focus

Providing timely events and insights on the challenges facing the commercial real estate markets

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Looking to the Economic Long-Run

An in-person conference in Washington DC

The economy has successfully navigated through a period of extraordinarily high inflation and interest rates and avoided recession. Whether this good performance continues longer-run depends on multiple forces, including demographic trends, productivity growth, deglobalization, and the outcome of the elections. And of course the economy can be derailed at any moment by any of a number of potential shocks, ranging from geopolitical flashpoints to careening real estate markets.

We're coming to Washington D.C. to discuss all of this. Join Chief Economist, Mark Zandi, and economists from across Moody's Analytics as they provide their insights and answer your questions in-person.

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Q1 2024 CRE Quarterly Economic Briefing

The Pros and Cons of a Strong Economy for CRE

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Part of CRE In Focus

Boom Loop in the Making

How US Cities Could Evolve to Mitigate Risks + Remain Resilient?

Join a team of economists and experts from Moody’s Analytics for a panel discussion on the so called “urban doom loop”. These experts will take a holistic look at the state of US cities and how they see the future unfolding.

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Part of CRE In Focus
