CRE In Focus

Providing timely events and insights on the challenges facing the commercial real estate markets

Upcoming Events


CREFC Europe Autumn Conference

Moody's Ratings

Swedish Real Estate Conference 2024

The storm has abated, yet clouds linger on the horizon

Part of CRE In Focus

Past Events

ESG and Climate Risk: What Does It Really Mean for CRE Today?

Join us for this session where we will talk about the latest research, industry conversations, and actual experience with implementing ESG-related policies in the CRE industry. 

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Part of CRE In Focus

Plaza Indonesia Investama (P.T.)

Behind the first-time Ba2 ratings


Assessing the Physical Risk of Climate Change for Commercial Real Estate

In this webinar, we will discuss the physical impact of extreme climate conditions on CRE property performance. We will show through our empirical study that catastrophic weather events have historically affected the ability of commercial properties to generate rental income.

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Part of CRE In Focus



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Part of Japan in Focus
