Financial Institutions in Focus: APAC Q3 Update

APAC CRE Risk | Japan and Taiwan insurers’ hybrid issuance

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Asia Emerging Markets Summit 2024

Greener pastures ahead?


Moody's CALC 2024

Banking with impact


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Asian High Yield

Volatility or stability in 2H 2024?

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Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina: Desaceleración e Inicio de Expansión

América Latina corre a diferentes velocidades en 2024, con un grupo de países desacelerándose y otro grupo acelerándose. Así, la región enfrentará su tercer año de desaceleración después del repunte post-recesión.

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Presidential Politics and Policy

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will pursue very different economic policies if reelected. Both have put forward a wide range of proposals to change the tax code, government spending, and trade, immigration and regulatory policies that if implemented could have significant impacts on the economy’s performance for years to come.

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Credit Research Foundation - August Expo

The Credit Research Foundation is excited to host this in-person Forum and EXPO offering educational sessions curated by industry experts, several opportunities for peer group networking, and dedicated time in the exhibit hall.

This two-and-a-half-day event is focused on providing you with executive level education and plenty of opportunities to network with fellow credit executives to discuss challenges and best practices. The agenda will also include an interactive small group discussion, a personal development session, and an Open Forum session on the final day allowing attendees to ask questions about current challenges and share best practices. IN ADDITION, attendees will have the opportunity to visit the exhibit hall and speak with the top industry service providers about their products and services they offer to help your team overcome today’s challenges.

The 2024 event will take place at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel.

Innovative Approaches to Financial Transfer Pricing: Credit Risk and the Power of AI

In today's complex financial landscape, accurate and efficient transfer pricing is crucial for organizations to navigate regulatory requirements and optimize profitability. Join us for a thought-provoking session exploring innovative approaches to financial transfer pricing, leveraging the power of AI.


Inside LatAm: Brasil 2024

O cenário de crédito do Brasil: Fatores de crescimento, transição energética e desafios fiscais

Evento Presencial

Inside LatAm: Perú 2024

Factores Clave para una Recuperación Económica Sostenible

Evento Presencial

Moody’s Compliance & Third-Party Risk Management Masterclass

In-person event | San Francisco, CA

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2024 SOA Valuation Actuary Meeting

August 25-28, 2024 New York, NY

The Valuation Actuary (ValAct) Meetings empower actuaries across all practice areas for success with in-depth content on the latest valuation and financial reporting concepts, including US GAAP, US Tax Account, and International Reporting Standards (IFRS). ValAct content is tailored for professionals specializing in valuation actuarial practices within the insurance and financial industries. These meetings will explore the latest valuation and financial reporting concepts, and provide engaging, interactive events for the valuation actuarial community.

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