2024 Credit Risk Forum

Uncertainty, Resilience, Opportunity

In-person event | London UK

Related Materials

High Yield’s Resilience Masks Underlying Weakness in US Credit Market
Risk lurks in smaller, less liquid parts of the credit market. Trends we observe in coming months will be critical to evaluating the future near-to-medium-term direction of credit risk.

Rising UK Corporate Defaults Heighten Urgency for Active Credit Risk Management
The level of credit stress may be as severe as that experienced during the peak of the Covid pandemic. A robust early warning framework can help investors and lenders take proactive measures to potentially mitigate any future credit losses. 

Moody’s Early Warning System
Our early warning system works on two essential elements – first, timely risk measures reflecting all financial and macroeconomic factors and second, alerts to provide answers to key questions like: Which exposures should I worry about? And when should I take action?

Moody’s Scenario-Conditioned Probability of Default 
Classify and quantify credit risk across a number of alternative economic scenarios, helping to answer questions such as: How would my exposures evolve during a recession? And which firms would outperform their peers if economic growth exceeds expectations?

Assessing the Impacts of Climate Risk
Climate Impact in Moody’s EDF-X solution helps assess how global warming and different policy responses affect future company performance, based on scenarios developed by the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS Phase 3). Better understand the potential impact of climate risk on portfolios, company resilience before doing business, and emerging regulatory requirements.

Global Outlook: Approaching the Dawn of Rate Cuts
The coming, much-awaited easing in monetary policy rates will boost growth in the latter half of the year and into 2025 according to analysis by Moody's Economics team.

Learn more about EDF-X

Moody’s flagship solution for accelerated risk insights and early warning signals applies our time-tested credit models to reliably assess the financial resilience of rated and unrated, public and private companies globally – with greater speed and accuracy.

Explore EDF-X Navigator to see how we’re using GenAI to power risk intelligence solutions that surface insightful, actionable risk analysis


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