Banking Solutions In Focus

Providing insights, solutions, and connections to the global banking community.  Our timely events provide you with the information you need on credit risk management, balance sheet management, regulatory compliance, and more.

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schedule 60 Mins | 15 February 2022

East Africa Series

Top down stress testing

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schedule 60 Mins | 26 January 2022

Banks – China

Government support a credit driver for total loss-absorbing capacity securities

Join our analysts as they discuss the considerations relevant for the banks’ noncapital TLAC securities. Moody’s has incorporated considerable government support in the ratings of the big-4 Chinese banks’ deposits and senior unsecured debts.

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schedule 60 Mins | 25 January 2022

Moody's Analytics & Raymond James in Conversation: It’s 2022 – Where Are You…on CECL?

Join us on Tuesday, January 25th for the next event in our webinar series: Moody’s Analytics & Raymond James in Conversation. During this 60-minute event, our experts will provide a roadmap for CECL and help you push the easy button on implementation.

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