Banking Solutions In Focus

Providing insights, solutions, and connections to the global banking community.  Our timely events provide you with the information you need on credit risk management, balance sheet management, regulatory compliance, and more.

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schedule 60 Mins | 10 May 2022

Navigating ESG & Climate Risks and Opportunities

Financial Institutions

In this webinar, we’ll present how the award-winning ESG Score Predictor tool can help uncover risks and opportunities for credit decisioning, portfolio monitoring, investment allocation and overall ESG strategy and risk appetite:

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schedule 90 Mins | 28 April 2022

Inversión responsable: Incorporando riesgo climático en el Análisis de inversiones

La inversión responsable ha abierto nuevos desafíos para emisores y para inversionistas, entre ellos, el mejoramiento de la información reportada por las compañías y el acceso de la información por parte de los inversionistas. La incorporación de factores ESG en los análisis de riesgo y política de inversiones se hace vital hoy en día, dada la relevancia de dichos factores para la sostenibilidad de largo plazo de las compañías.

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schedule 90 Mins | 27 April 2022

Jornada ESG-C Bacen para Bancos – Moody’s Analytics

Em face das normativas emitidas pelo Bacen e CMN passam a exigir que os bancos se adequem à nova Agenda ESG-C. Neste evento a Moody´s Analytics de forma prática e direta irá apresentar COMO atender IMEDIATAMENTE estas exigências no prazo requerido pelos reguladores.

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schedule 60 Mins | 21 April 2022

Emerging Disruptors and Their Potential Impacts

Join Doug Johnson from Moody’s Analytics and Shelby Myers from American Farm Bureau Federation as they share their perspectives on critical issues both bankers and lenders need to be thinking about.

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schedule 60 Mins | 28 March 2022

How will risks in China’s property sector spill over to other sectors?

Join our analysts as they discuss the risks in China’s property sector and the potential spillover effects on state-owned entities (SOEs), regional and local governments (RLGs), local government financing vehicles (LGFVs) and other sectors.

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